Tower Station

NEUBAU practice architecture.

We design. We question. We Invent.

Space, buildings, rooms, functions, land, programme, objects. Our work is public facing and multi-user, diverse and polythematic, physical and virtual. Our process is synthesis: the fusion of a thesis and an antithesis. The aesthetics are apollonian and dionysian at once. Sustainability, social responsibility, and inclusivity are embedded and unconditional disciplines of our work. The focus is on the NEW and how to BUILD it.



NEUBAU praktizieren Architektur.

Wir entwerfen. Wir hinterfragen. Wir erfinden.

Raum, Gebäude, Räume, Funktionen, Grundstücke, Programm, Objekte. Unsere Arbeit ist öffentlich und für mehrere Benutzer zugänglich, vielfältig und polythematisch, physisch und virtuell. Unser Prozess ist die Synthese: die Verschmelzung einer These und einer Antithese. Die Ästhetik ist apollinisch und dionysisch zugleich. Nachhaltigkeit, soziale Verantwortung und Inklusivität sind eingebettete und unbedingte Disziplinen unserer Arbeit. Der Schwerpunkt ist alles NEUe und wie man es BAUt.



Alexander Giarlis


Alex is an RIBA chartered architect who has practised internationally and across a wide range of scales: from art installations, public and private buildings to the master planning of entire cities. His work is driven by processes of re-thinking and re-imagining the norm in search of unexpected and innovative spatial and programmatic results.

Before founding NEUBAU, Alex led and worked on several high profile projects as a senior architect at OMA including Norra Tornen in Stockholm and the Stirling Prize shortlisted Maggie’s Centre Gartnavel in Glasgow. He has taught architecture and urban design at the universities of Delft and Hong Kong and is a guest critic at various institutions in the UK such as the University of Cambridge and the Architectural Association.



Brgs Lenz


Brgs is an RIBA chartered architect and a founder director of NEUBAU. She studied Theatre & Art at Oxford and Ravensbourne College, and Architecture at London Met and the Architectural Association, London. She has practised architecture and urban design over 2 decades in the UK, the Netherlands and Hong Kong, leading large architectural and consultant teams through all stages of design and construction on projects in Europe, Asia and the Middle East.

Her work is characterised by an applied interest in engaging with grassroots and community led projects from concept stages onwards. Brgs teaches professional practice at the AA where she is also a regular guest critic. As editor-in-chief of the book ‘Elements of Architecture’ she curated ‘Stairs’ at the Central Pavilion, Venice Biennale.



Liam Cooke


Liam has practised architecture for over six years in Cambridge, Glasgow and Amsterdam. Following his graduation from the Mackintosh School of Architecture, Glasgow School of Art he has been exploring a wider cultural view of how we inhabit buildings, and his experience as a musician has influenced ideas of gathering, storytelling and rethinking the traditional.

Since joining NEUBAU in 2019, Liam has worked on projects at a range of scales from the design and prototyping of furniture to the conception and construction of urban buildings. Projects such as Tower Station, St Mary’s STEM Lab and a series of unique seabird nesting structures have provided a ground to exercise practical and conceptual thinking from the fine detail to the strategic whole.


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